miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Hi everyone... I have decided to post this image; it is a phrase from Haim Ginott. When I started the teaching training college, one of my teachers read this quotation. And it made me think about how important this wonderful profession is. I hope you enjoy this post. Some of you may remember this phrase... Our role, as teachers, is relevant and fundamental in our students´ lives.... 

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Select a target task and develop your own instructional sequence using ths six- step procedure as a model.

Step 1
Schema building
Look at a school schedule of two girls (Karen and Sally). Identify key words (days of the week and subjects). Teacher will ask if they know those subjects and if students like them.
Step 2
Controlled practice
The teacher will provide learners with a brief conversation between Karen and Sally. They talk about their schedule, their preferences and teachers. Firstly, they listen to it and after that they try to put the dialogue in order. In pairs, they practice the conversation.
Step 3
Authentic practice
Listen to different native speakers talking about their favourite school subject. Match the conversations with the correct description of subjects.
Step 4
Focus on linguistic elements
The teacher sticks on the board some words taken from the dialogue between the girls.  Students have to form sentences in the blackboard; they come to the front in turns. They also have to stick different faces which represent likes and dislikes (like, love, don’t like and hate) in each sentence.
Step 5
Freer practice
The teacher gives students photocopies with different drawings related to subjects. For example, a ball (sports) with a sad face (don’t like).  So, students have to write sentences. For example, I love Art, I like Maths, I don’t like Sports and I hate Science. Students will read their sentences aloud. If they finish quickly, they may create their own drawings and sentences with likes and dislikes.
Step 6
Pedagogical task
Students will write their own school schedule. They will talk about their own preferences (like, love, don’t like and hate) and will share their information.
Select one or two pedagogical tasks and elaborate them in terms of macrofunctions, microfunctions and grammatical exponents.


You go shopping with your friend. You need to buy clothes. You need to consider the prices of the different shops. Make a list of the shops and their prices. Decide on the best place to buy your new clothes.

Transactional or Service (exchanging goods and services)

Aesthetic (enjoyment)

Making comparisons.

Comparisons with adjectives.

You are at your cousin´s party. You do not know his friends. So you decide to introduce yourself to a group of four people.

Interpersonal or Social (socializing)

Exchanging personal information.

Stative verbs demonstrative: this Yes/no questions.